Page 11 - Agricultural business for sale in Romania
P. 11

Ref. no. 3.

       Animals farm, located in the South area
  of the country, populated or not with
  animals, being composed by :
  - Two brick stables with new roofs, having
  1800 sqm each, and winter stables 1000
  sqm (with roof lighting)
  - Mill (built in 2012) , a concrete silo feed
  - Hay warehouse 4000 sqm
  - Office
  - Total area, land including the buildings
  is 2​ Ha, fenced around with metal mesh,
  with concrete foundation and also metal
  fence and gates on the front side.

- It has about 18 Ha land lease for the
production of animal feed.
Today is livestock : 75 cows, 150 steers and
200 sheep.

 Price : 300.000 Euro
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